The Verona Cemetery Association (VCA) is compiling a database for the Verona Cemetery.
When we think of the Nation's war dead, we often imagine military cemeteries in Europe. Many more Canadians who fought for our country are buried here at home. We want no veteran to be forgotten, so we are keeping track of their graves. This includes those buried here as well as those who are buried or recognized on the markers in other countries.
This list will be used at Remembrance Day and other cemetery functions where we would like to recognize their contributions to Canada.
The names and information can be forwarded to Doug Lovegrove at the VCA by email [email protected] or by phone at 613-777-8980.
Information we are looking for:
- The Veteran's name
- Conflict or service (WW1, WW2, etc.)
- Service branch (Army, Navy, or Air Force)
- Cemetery plot number
- Family name on the gravestone